Chefs Plate

Blitz Marketing Campaign

  • Delivery van and truck wrap
  • Digital advertising
  • Email marketing campaign
  • Landing page creative + development
  • Localized campaign development
  • OOH creative
  • Project and account management
  • Radio
  • Street team stunts + swag
  • Television

We developed a city-specific campaign for Chefs Plate with the intention of helping them step out of the shadow of their sister brand, HelloFresh, as well create a measurable dark funnel while shaking things up. The strategy hinged around a city wide blitz that included multiple media touchpoints. The resulting campaign dominated television, radio, OOH, and included non-traditional experiential channels (think walking, talking eggplants). At the conclusion of the campaign, Chefs Plate saw notable growth in sign-ups above baseline marketing performance and significantly increased brand awareness in the region.