Airbnb announced it has plans to implement the cool technologies du jour — virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality — to give tenants a closer look at the rooms they’re looking to reserve.
Airbnb + VR = The Future of Travel
by Maverick on 12/20/2017 | 2 Minute Read
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Airbnb is still in the early stages of adding VR and AR to its services and only has broad plans for adding the fancy new immersive tech. In a blog post, the company predicted it will use virtual reality before a trip, using 360 photos and 3D scans to let tenants wander through homes — and cities — to orient themselves before leaving. Then, augmented reality features will help acclimate travellers during trips, pointing out how things work (like unlocking doors) and translating signage. It can also add local cultural context. It said the VR service will also let users explore cities, which will provide an overview of the accommodation and its location in relation to other points in a city.
Airbnb has not announced exactly when these new features will be realised and stress that any new functionality added to the app will require ‘experimentation, iteration, and technological evolution,’ and most importantly, time. For more, read on here.