Without apps, the apocalypse is near.
by Maverick on 06/9/2017 | 2 Minute Read
Advertising , Amazing , Apple , Brand Awareness , Brand Identity , Brand Knowledge , Brand Management , Branding , Commercial , Commercials , Creative , Creativity , Design Humor , Funny , Inspiration , Inspirational , Inspiring , Marketing , Media , Motivational , Real Life , Steve jobs , Surrealism , Technology , Video , Virtual Reality
Apple’s most recent advertisement is a hilarious, over the top representation of the world without Apps.
The three-minute long film dramatizes what would happen if we were no longer able to access mobile apps from our smartphones, iPads and other devices. We’re introduced to a very technical world, one where Apps maintain peace, law and order. Suddenly, upon the eraser of all Apps, the world is destitute. In minutes, we’re transported to a dystopian society where people are urgently handing out selfies and making loud announcements about what they had to eat earlier that day. The advertisement is simultaneously hilarious and anxiety-inducing all the while making a very interesting and clever point about our tech-savvy populace. Apple communicates that while much of what we do on these Apps is somewhat silly or unnecessary, we’re so accustomed to using them that we may feel lost, confused and uncertain about ourselves and the world around us if they were ever gone. The advertisement finishes with the caption “keep making apps – the world is depending on you.”
Once again, Apple absolutely nailed it. See it for yourself here.